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Nice little game! Too bad that production is cancelled. I dont get motion sickness unless Im in the backseat of a car, but I can understand where some players are coming from. The movement was a bit sensitive for me but it didnt take away from the game. The graphics are excellent and the gameplay is quite fun. Not difficult to move from one area to another. I agree that the game needed checkpoints or some other type of save feature for when you die so you dont have to revisit each area again. Great concept and work!

Good game but needs continues 



Thank you for the kind words!

Would you like to elaborate on what you mean by "need continues"? 

It needs checkpoints so you don't have to start from the beginning every time you die

nice roguelike

We're happy that you liked the game!

Hi there, I am DragonExplosion and I am a Youtuber. If you like my videos, please leave a like and subscribe at my channel.

This was a cool horror game about a little girl who has to fight her way out of her nightmares to stay alive. I liked the design of the background for each level and I liked the fact that the main character's ability is to shoot tears at her enemy XD. The game is actually really challenging and it is quite difficult to fight through all the enemies without dying. I gave my best shot at the game but I failed to complete the game and was upset when I realised that I couldn't head back to the level that I died at and had to restart instead. Would be great if there were checkpoints in the game to make life easier for the player.

Another issue I had with the game is the perspective on the main character while fighting enemies. It gets pretty crazy when you turn 360 degrees continuously while fighting enemies with the main character as I find it to be quite uncomfortable for someone with motion sickness like myself.

Thank you for reading my comment and I wish you good luck in your future endeavours.



Thank you for your kind words and the feedback! 

We're sorry that the camera caused you motion sickness and that there are no checkpoints in the game. As you probably know the game's status is currently canceled, but the feedback is still very valuable for us!